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SCRUBS® Graffiti & Spray Paint Removers are a unique cleaning system combining both a high-quality graffiti remover formula with a highly absorbent, non-scratching remover towel.
The formulation loosens, breaks down, and dissolves paint and graffiti, allowing the remover towel to absorb and hold residue without redepositing paint on hands or surfaces. Details

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Medaphene® SCRUBS® Disinfecting/Deodordizing Wipes are a unique way of disinfecting and deodorizing hard non- porous surfaces in one step with no overspray or formula waste.
This system contains an abrasive, non-scratching wipe that breaks through the biofilm* found on non-/porous surfaces allowing the highly effective formula to disinfect and deodorize the organic debris present on surface. Details

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